Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2009 Junior and Senior Captain

Through majority votes from the players on 9th March, we have chosen 2 new team captains. We would like to congratulate Han Sen and Thomas as they are our new Penang Waterpolo team captain.

Junior captain:
Han Sen

Senior captain:
Thomas Lee

Working Group:
Chris (Chairman)
Dennis (Asst Chairman)
Lee Hock Hee
Albert (Coach)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

9th Feb Monday 10am

Polo players are invited and encouraged to join in the fun. The main program is a meeting with PASA and Polo coach to talk on our Water polo level, our current team, where we are heading and programs for 2009.

Team building 10am

PASA meeting 11am CSC theater room

Noon or 1pm Paint ball